Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hall test final (1A) Strategic management(revengence)

Hall Exam Question set:


Strategy Management


1. Resource strengthen and opportunities of Manakamana Cable Car System. Case Study


a. Strength

  • Professional management
  • Effective marketing
  • Modern tech.
  • Effective security system
  • Network of the ticket counter and countering
  • Lack of competition
  • Preference to the local level employment opportunity
  • High potential for the religious tourism
  • Possibility of the inclusion of the temple into world heritage list
  • Infrastructural development towards entertainment basics
  • And others

b. Formulation corporate level strategy

  • Transportation facilities
  • Tourism and hotel management techniques
  • Domestic tourism enhancement
  • Others


2. Strategy management and its importance and processes

3. SWOT analysis and elements of the environmental analysis process.

4. Internal analysis and the areas and methods of the internal analysis.

5. Write in brief:

    a. Strategy thinking of the professional accountants.

    b. Strategic advantages in analysis………..

6. Role of CEO in strategic management….strategic management practices in Nepal…

7. How the strategic management can be effectively implemented….process of strategic evaluation

8. Case study, as a consultant, present strategy for the formulation of the 2 companies…

9. Short notes:

        a. Strategic change management

        b. Portfolio Management/analysis

        c. Retrenchment strategy

        d. Techniques of the decision making

        e. Matrix Organizational Structure







Thursday, October 29, 2009

Paisa hai to invest karo yaar… upcoming IPO for CA students too… ha ha



General (IPO)


Chilime Hydro power Com Ltd.


Cosmic Merchant Banking and Fin. Ltd.


Gauri Shanker Finance Ltd.


Hama Bittiya Sanstha Ltd.


Himalayan Finance Ltd.


Investment Finance Ltd.


Karnali Development Bank Ltd.


Kasthamandap Development Bank


Lalitpur Bishalbazar Co. Ltd.


Mahakali Bikash Bank Ltd.


Mercantile Finance Ltd.


Merchant Development Bank Ltd.


Muktinath Development Bank Ltd.


Multipurpose Saving A. I. Ltd.


Nepal CSI Dev. Bank Ltd.


Pathibhara Bikash Bank Ltd.


Resunga Dev. Bank Ltd.


Sangrila Development Bank Ltd.


Seti Bittiya Sanstha Ltd.


Siddartha Hospital Ltd.


Surya Darshan Finance Ltd.


Udhyam Bikash Bank Ltd.


United Development Bank Ltd.


Valley Bittiya Sanstha Ltd.




Alliance Insurance Co. Ltd.


Birgunj Finance Ltd.


Business Development Bank Ltd.


Butwal Finance Ltd.


Goodwill Finance Co. Ltd.


Laxmi Bank Ltd.


Mahalaxmi Finance Ltd.


Nepal SBI Bank Ltd.


Prudential Finance Company Ltd.


Samjhana Finance Ltd.


Grand Total


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hall test questions of Audit – Be Happy alwaz



  1. Environment and Energy audit.
  2. Risk Based Auditing.
  3. Audit committee and how it is interrelated with corporate Governance.
  4. Aspects to be governed in Reinsurance ceded.
  5. Uses of CAAT (Computer Assisted Audit Technique).
  6. Peer review.
  7. What is engagement letter? What are its principle content?
  8. What are the assertion concern of auditor while conducting substantive procedure?
  9. What are to be considered in the audit program of Bank and Financial Institutions?
  10. Mr. X auditor of Y ltd, he stays in the building which is owned by Y ltd. so he provided 10% rebate than others.
  11. ABC Co. has suspended large amount on training staff Project to be started in future, which will generate future income. Management wants to capitalize that expense.
  12. Mr. Ram was appointed as tax auditor and consultant of ABC Co. after the year-end tax office charge legal proceeding to ABC co. for understated income.
  13. Mr. X accepted audit of Z ltd. for less fee than the preceding auditor of Z ltd. The preceding auditor had come from the far away the cost of which was not charged as audit fees.
  14. SCB provided credit card facilities to professional CAs. Now he used it to withdraw Rs. 25,000 how can that CA be appointed as auditor of that bank?
  15. KBC and Co. CA firm was provided Rs.200, 000 in Baisakh 1st By Ram Br. who is client of that firm KBC & Co deposited in bank to give back Ram Br. in Ashad..
  16. Related party Disclosure



Related with 2nd paper

  1. tax practice of code of ethics
  2. Working papers ( can management ask back)
  3. You have issued a modified report as you are not agreed with the method of accounting folloed by the co. for gratutity .The BOD suggests a note in FS may be added.
  4. Purchase of equipment for 1 cr..The 30 lacs is govt. grant depreciation at 15%.Accountant insists to credit the capital reserve for gratn received and charge the deprn on original cost to revenue


Physical capital maintenance and financial cap Maintain acne ( NAS Framework)

Control environment and Control procedure (8*2=16 marks)


Special point to be considered in audit of public sector enterprise

Intrernal control 16


Management representation letter and reliance on it by the auditor

An auditor can give only reasobnable assurance not absolute. 16


Short notes 16

Fair value accounting

Management representation letter

Qualitative characteristics of financial statements

Corporate governance


Auditor responsibility in detecting fraud and error

Indicators for assuming going concern assumption 16


-Thanks to Bijayswor Paudel for his contribution in compiling this…

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fun time baby

What's an auditor?
Someone who arrives after the battle and stabs all the wounded.

"A fool and his money are soon audited"


What's the most wicked thing a group of young accountants can do?
Go into town and gang-audit someone.


What did the terrorist who hijacked a plane full of accountants threaten to do if his demands weren't met?
Release one every hour.

What does an accountant say when you ask him the time?
It's 9.18 am and 12 seconds; no wait - 13 seconds, no wait - 14 seconds, no wait......

Why did the accountant stare at his glass of orange juice for three hours?
Because on the box it said Concentrate.

Why was the accountant so excited that he completed a jigsaw puzzle in only 59 weeks?
Because on the box it said 8-12 Years.


The accountant was visiting the Museum of Natural History and said to the person standing next to him, "That dinosaur is two billion years and ten months old."

"How did you get such exact information?"

"I was here ten months ago and the guide said the dinosaur was two billion years old."


How do you know accountants have no imagination?
They named a firm PricewaterhouseCoopers.

If an accountant's wife can't get to sleep, what does she say?
"Tell me about work today, dear"

How does an accountant make a bold fashion statement?
He wears his grey suit instead of the blue

What does CPA stand for?
Can't Produce Anything

What does FCPA stand for?
Finally Caught Pinching the Assets


Who was the first accountant?
Adam. He got interested in figures, turned the first leaf, made the first entry, lost interest after withdrawal, buggered up the monthly accounts and raised the first liability


An accountant is having a hard time sleeping and goes to see his doctor.
"Doctor, I just can't get to sleep at night."
"Have you tried counting sheep?"
"That's the problem - I make a mistake and then spend three hours trying to find it."


"The auditors have just left, sir."

"Did they check the books?"

"Very thoroughly."

"What did they say?"

"They want 15% to keep quiet."


A lady goes to see her doctor with some worrying symptoms and he examines her.

"I'm sorry," he says "but it's bad news.  You have only six months to live."

The patient says, "Oh Doctor. That's terrible.  What should I do?"

The doctor says, "I advise you to marry a Nepali CA."

"Will that make me live longer?"

"No," says the doctor. "But it will seem longer."

An accountant is in a car travelling with a farmer client around his farm.

They pass a large mob of sheep and the farmer says, "You're pretty good with numbers, Bijay  How many sheep do you reckon are in that paddock?"

The accountant looks at the sheep for a moment and says, "One thousand, eight hundred and thirty two."

The farmer is amazed. "Exactly right", he says. "How did you work that out so fast?"

"Easy," says the accountant "I counted the number of feet and divided by 4."



The managing partner in an accounting firm is very annoyed with one of his junior partners and has called him in to chastise him.

"How could you possibly advise the client in the way you did? That was completely unethical. We are always conscious of Ethics in this firm.  You do know what Ethics is don't you?"

The young partner is offended. "Of course I know what Ethics is.  It's a county in southern England."



The doctor comes to see his heart transplant patient.

"This is good news.  It is very unusual, but we have two donors to choose from for your new heart."

The patient is pleased.  He asks, "What were their jobs?"

"One was a teacher and the other was an accountant."

"I'll take the accountant's heart," says the patient.  "I want one that hasn't been used."



Saturday, September 12, 2009

Expert director

BAFIA, umbrella act of banks and finance companies, chapter 3, section 12 subsection (2) asks for independent expert director to be appointed for banks and financial institutions. But in most of banks and finance we do not find such provision to be complied.

Major Challenge for compliance:- the list of professional is maintained by NRB, many Banks and finance give reason, that even they wish to appoint independent expert director, they can't because of unavailability of such professionals.

Solution :- in my opinion NRB should include more professional in the expert list so that banks and finance will not escape the compliance of this provision…




Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tax expense- helps to understand deferred tax

At its simplest, a company's tax expense, or tax charge, as it sometimes called, is computed in by multiplying the income before tax number, as reported to shareholders, by the appropriate tax rate. In reality, the computation is typically considerably more complex due to things such as expenses considered not deductible by taxing authorities ("add backs"), the range of tax rates applicable to various levels of income, different tax rates in different jurisdictions, multiple layers of tax on income, and other issues.[1]

Historically, in many places, a revenue-expense method was used, in which the income statement was seen as primary, and the balance sheet as secondary. Under International Financial Reporting Standards, as well as many other accounting principles, tax expense is the result of computing current and deferred tax payable using the asset-liability method in which the balance sheet is seen as primary and the income statement as secondary. The new approach in the United States was codified in SFAS 96 published in December 1987, and updated in February 1992 with SFAS 109, accounting for income taxes from a balance-sheet approach. See List of FASB Pronouncements.

Current tax payable is computed by multiplying the taxable income number, as reported to the tax authorities, by the appropriate tax rate. As with tax expense, the computation is made more complex by the range of tax rates that are applicable to various levels of income and the various deductions and adjustments that the tax authorities allow.

In the United States, the U.K. and elsewhere, companies are permitted to report one pre-tax income number called income before tax to shareholders, and another, called taxable income, to the tax authorities. The result is a gap between tax expense computed using income before tax and current tax payable computed using taxable income. This gap is known as deferred tax. If the tax expense exceeds the current tax payable then there is a deferred tax payable; if the current tax payable exceeds the tax expense then there is a deferred tax receivable.

In the long run, income before tax and taxable income will likely be equal. If the one is less in earlier years, then it will be greater in later years. Deferred taxes will reverse themselves in the long run and in total will zero out, unless there is something like a change in tax rates in the intervening period. A deferred tax payable results from a tax break in the early years and will reverse itself in later years; a deferred tax receivable results from more taxes being paid in early years than the tax expense reported to shareholders and will again reverse itself in later years. The deferred tax amount is computed by estimating the amount and the timing of the reversal and multiplying that by the appropriate tax rates.

Hey guys lets all make research about deferred tax and share our views in blog,,,,


Monday, August 31, 2009

At least someone is following suchna ko adhikar sambandhi ain and niyamawali


KATHMANDU: Community Self Reliance Centre (CSRC) today presented the annual
audit report publicly in a programme. It is a socially responsible practice that a on-governmental organisation publish its report publicly and be transaparent at a time when most such insitutions are condemned for their lack of transparency.
According to the report, the total annual
income — donated
by the helping organizations — stands at
Rs 34,969,019.34 and
expenditure at Rs 27,583,104.53.
"From 2009, Actionaid Nepal, Care Nepal, CCO, DanidaHUGOU, MS Nepal and Oxfam GB will be funding CSRC by basket funding procedure," said Jagat Basnet, director of CSRC, adding that of the total amount spent  Rs 27,583,104.53 was utilized, in which 81 per cent was spent on conducting programmes and 19 per cent of it on administrative functions.  The total own income of the organization is estimated to be Rs 2,696,194.40 and expenditure Rs 1,195,902.23 in the fiscal year 2008-09.
According to Puskar Acharya, finance and administrative coordinator of CSRC, some 939 landless families were able to get their land rights through CSRC initiatives. He added that these families had acquired around 403 bighas of land under their land rights. Sita Thapa Magar, member of Kanchanpur Land Reform Forum, said, "It is due to the initiatives of CSRC that many landless people like me today own their land and are able to utilize land facilities like other common citizens of the country." Adding to her voice, Sukhdev Chaudary — a farmer from Dang said that the programme has supported the haruwas of his village and other nearby villages as well.
Hari Pudasaini, auditor of CSRC said, "Auditing procedure of our organization is transparent and thereby, other organisations should follow in CSRC's footsteps in this matter." He added that regular monitoring and management of the financial sector would strengthen the overall aspect of the organization. Since, 1993 CSRC has been working to enable deprived men and women to claim their right to land resources..



Hope this will encourage other NGO's and public entities to publish their annual report publically, which will secure people's right to proper information… pasang lama

Thursday, August 6, 2009

NRB suspends registration of new banks


Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) has temporarily suspended the registration of new financial institutions including commercial banks, development banks and finance companies.

The central bank decided Tuesday not to take any more applications seeking permission to open new financial institutions until a study on the number of financial institutions, services they are delivering and the need of the economy is completed, Kantipur daily reported.

NRB will decide whether or not to allow registration of new financial institutions after the study, NRB governor Bijaya Nath Bhattarai said. We will resume registration if it is found necessary, Bhattari added.

The budget for fiscal year 2009/2010 has mentioned 'NRB will review the policies on opening new banks and expanding their branches'.

There have been wide concerns over the number banks vis-à-vis the size of the economy in Nepal. Some 240 financial institutions are serving an economy smaller than Rs 1 trillion.

At present there are 26 commercial banks, 61 development banks, 78 finance companies, 13 micro finance development bank, 16 cooperatives that have taken permission from NRB and 45 Non Governmental Organisations (NGO)s delivering financial services.

In addition, there are thousands of cooperatives operating locally without taking permission from NRB.

However, the registration of micro finance development banks has not been suspended.

Likewise, the decision will not affect the registration of six commercial banks that have already applied. The banks that have already applied for permission to operate will be granted permits, Bhattarai said.

Governor Bhattarai is for development of quality in banking sector than mere increment in the number of institutions. We want strong and few financial institutions than weak and many of them, he said.

Bhattarai informed mergers and acquisitions will be promoted. source:


Pasang C. Lama(CA Final)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Highlights of mon. Policy latest

 Monetary Policy for the year 2066/067 has been published on  9th Shrawan 2066 (24th July, 2009). The highlight of the current  monetary policy is as follows:


       a) Inflation settled at 12.9% during April/ May, 2009 (2066 Baishakh)  which  was 9.2 percent on 2065 Baishakh for the same duration.

        b)  Remittance surge by 55.50 percent during the first 10 months of  fiscal  year 2065/066 to Rs. 169.18 billion, which was Rs. 108.77  billion on fiscal year  2064/065 for the same duration.

      c) The remittance of U.S dollar increased by 29.70 percent on Nepalese economy amounting to $2.20 billion for first ten months of fiscal year 2065/066 which was $1.69 billion on 2064/65 for the same period.

d)     Nepal stock exchange plunged down by 6.9 percent (749.11 from 806.26) during the fiscal end of 2065/066 in comparison to pervious fiscal end (2064/065). Political discrepancies, poor mechanism of peace and security, huge number of initial public offering increased the number of share in the market was the primary cause to retreat the sole secondary market.

e)      Market capitalization mount by 19.90 percent during the fiscal year 2065/066 amounting to Rs. 551.41 billion, which is 40% to total GDP of the country. Financial institutions held 73.30 percent, Manufacturing occupy 1.8%, hotel 1.10%, hydro sector 4.0 percent and others hold 19.70 percent of total capitalization.

f)       NRB move with the same margin loan provision against the share as before. It has a provision to provide loan on the basis of 180 days average price of scrip or last closing day's price, which one is low 50 percent of that price should be provided as margin loan to the shareholders.

g)      The limit of minimum level of paid up capital has been kept unchanged, now onward, the base for increasing capital by licensed bank and financial institutions by the NRB will be their capital fund.

h)    Commercial bank collected Rs.503.45 billion for the first 11 months of the fiscal year 2065/066.

i)        The average bad debt losses of financial institutions also plunged down during first 10 months of fiscal year 2065/66. Commercial bank had 4.90 percent down from 6.30 percent of fiscal year 2064/065. However, it was only 2.40 % of 22 commercial bank putting off 3 banks which are fully or partially controlled by government.

j)        It is expected that, the economic growth rate will settled at 5.50 percent, inflation to 7 percent during the fiscal year 2066/067.

k)      There will be provision of Statutory Liquidity Ration (SLR), during the end of Poush month 2066, A grade, B grade and C grade companies have to invest 6%, 2% and 1% respectively from their national deposit liability in government debenture. It will be increased to 8%, 3% and 2% until 2067 Ashad end.

l)       Cash reserve ratio is maintained at 5.5 percent for the commercial banks.

m)   NRB has made a provision to give
permission to the commercial bank to open the branch outside the nation.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Accounts manipulated (Auditor’s even not questioned)


A day after Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) decided to liquidate Nepal Development Bank, another financial institution has landed in trouble for trying to cook up its balance sheets.

World Merchant Banking and Finance Limited, a finance company, initially thought accounts manipulation would help it hide its bad loans, but this immoral act has proved self-defeating and causing a long-term damage on the company.

The entire saga began in December 2002 when a company named Eastern Suppliers approached the finance company for a loan of nine million rupees to supply coal to Udaypur Cement Factory. The amount was given in two installments of two and seven million rupees of which Rs 1.83 million has been recovered. But when Eastern Suppliers deferred payment after repaying Rs 1.83 million, the finance company became suspicious and contacted Udaypur Cement Factory.

To the surprise, Udaypur Cement told that the tender for supplying the coal was scrapped after Eastern Suppliers was found delivering inferior quality of coal. This meant the money that the finance company had lent to the company was at risk. This sent alarm bells in World Merchant as the finance company established a year ago was on the verge of running in loss in the very first year of its operation. Fearing this would tarnish the image of the company; the evil bankers formed an unholy alliance with the borrowers and created a new loan portfolio but transferred the same ´troubled´ loan amount in the account created in another person´s name.

In other words, the finance company´s balance sheet showed that the amount owed by borrowers was paid back and new loans were issued to new applicants. "But, in fact, the finance company was, only transferring the liability from one person to another, without recovering a single penny from the original borrower," said a high ranking official of World Merchant, requesting anonymity. At that time Ranjit Koirala was the CEO of the finance company, who currently lives in the US.

This illegal practice of transferring the ´troubled´ loan into a new person´s name continued for five years till 2007, when borrowers started asking the finance company to release some of the land held as collateral by the finance company. "To coax the management the borrowers paid back Rs 700,000 of the loan amount. But we did not agree," said the source. Then subsequently, the borrowers started claiming they did not owe any money to the finance company and it had failed to deduct the installment amount that borrowers had paid over the years, which, the finance company calls a "total lie." "We challenge the borrowers to show cash receipt if they had truly repaid the loan amount," said the source.

Then the matter went to the police and in January 2008, it asked the finance company to submit all the documents involved in the loan transaction. Then the central bank became wary of malpractices going in the financial institution and in April 2008 it warned World Merchant to discontinue the illegal practice of transferring liability of loan amount to new persons.

Soon after this, the finance company listed the main borrower, Rakesh Raj Sharma Dhungel of Biratnagar and eight other guarantors, as willful defaulters. According to the finance company, the borrowers owe Rs 14.56 million, including principal and interest, of which Rs 10.59 million can be recovered through foreclosures. Today the management of the finance company acknowledges that it "made a mistake by establishing partnership with people having bad intentions." "Moreover, we made a mistake by not making public statement on what went wrong at the finance company. We were worried about losing our reputation," the source said. "But the damage has already been done."

The auditors of the world merchant bank should be questioned as they are the one who certified the annual report having material misstatement. As ICAI in India initiated an inquiry against auditors of PWC in satyam fraud case. I would be time for ICAN to take some action against the auditors who are not taking there profession seriously.

On June 14 this year, Binit Mani Upadhyaya, CEO of the finance company, was arrested after borrowers lodged a complaint at the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority. Since then depositors have withdrawn around Rs 400 million from the finance company. "But we are not facing cash crunch as the central bank is indirectly pumping money into the financial institution," the source said. The company is trapped in the mess that it had engineered itself.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Uff Yeh bank log ko kya ho raha hai….

KATHMANDU: Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) has decided to take over — albeit "for a brief period" — the reins of Bank of Kathmandu (BoK). However, the central bank has given options to BoK as well.
"If the bank can convince us that it will work together for its betterment, then we may reconsider our decision," a NRB board member told The Himalayan Times after the meeting. The central bank took the decision in an emergency board meeting this evening after it received two separate letters of clarification from BoK on Sunday. The central bank sought the explanation following a dispute over the BoK board's move to call back its managing director Radhesh Pant from his post.
The central bank is set to take over the management as per NRB Act 2063 (Section 54) since it was dissatisfied with the explanation furnished by the bank.
As per the rule, if NRB is not convinced with the explanation, then it is empowered to take over the bank's management.
The bank, in turn, argued that the decision to call back Pant from his post of managing
director was "an internal matter and a normal process".
The crisis precipitated after the 313th board meeting of BoK on March 22, where it was decided to call back Pant from his post.
Though the decision was taken by a majority of the board members, the disgruntled ones urged the central bank to intervene.
Four directors — two each from promoters and public — took the decision against Pant, while the remaining two — Sitaram
Thapaliya and Sudarshan Poudel — were neutral.
Later, the disgruntled ones knocked on NRB's door. They submitted a separate letter of clarification on Sunday as well.
A majority of shares of BoK — established on March 3, 1995, as the 10th commercial bank — is with the public. The promoters hold only 42 per cent of the share.
This is the second instance that the central bank is all set to take over a commercial bank. Earlier, Nepal Bangladesh Ltd came under NRB's control in November 2006 due to financial irregularities. But this time around, the reason is different.

Monday, May 4, 2009



Chartered accountancy Final level and some practical problems

If you have reached final level of chartered accountancy. These are some of problems faced :-

  1. No information about CA firms in Nepal.
  2. No information about which firm is better in various aspects.



So in this article I am giving a little try help my friends to solve them.

After you have passed intermediate, as you know you have to try for CA firm for articleship. Which firm to apply? Where are they located? And many more questions in your head running. So these are some information about CA firms


  1. T.R upadhaya (baneshwor)
  2. CSC and co. babarmahal
  3. JBRH (anamnagar)
  4. Baskota and co.
  5. Joshi and bhandari
  6. N.K Sharma (thapathali)
  7. Rajbahak & co. (thapathali)


    Every firm is different in some aspect, so choose wisely collection full information about

    them. Consult your seniors if possible but just don't take the decision in hurry, because

    there is plenty of time. Taking around 1 month to find a firm will have no effect in

    examination period. Good luck my dear frens..


    For any help:- write me to



Pasang C. Lama ( CA finals)


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Vacancy at NIC bank

Career Opportunities

NIC Bank, our client, is a well-established commercial bank on a high growth path with a significant presence all over Nepal. The Bank is an equal opportunity employer with a policy to recruit and retain a competent, motivated workforce in a healthy and growth oriented work environment based on performance and merit. To add to its current team of professionals, applications are invited from qualified Nepalese for the following positions:


Management Trainees will undergo comprehensive on-the-job and formal training in all areas of the Bank enabling them to take up managerial positions upon successful completion of the training period.


MBA/CA or equivalent degrees in Business/Finance/Marketing/Economics or Accounting from a recognized university with minimum first division marks or CGPA of 3.25 at the post-graduate level and minimum 50% marks at all under-graduate levels from class 10/S.L.C onwards. Candidates must not be more than 28 years as of May 5, 2009. Candidates awaiting final results at the post-graduate level may also apply.



Bachelor's degree in any discipline with minimum 2 years of Commercial Banking experience in related field



Bachelor's degree in any discipline with minimum 3 years of Commercial Banking experience in related field


These are entry level positions who will be assigned in various areas of the bank upon successful completion of the training period.


Bachelor's degree in any discipline but preferably Business/Finance/Management/Accountancy from a recognized university with minimum 50% marks at all levels from class 10/S.L.C onwards and age not exceeding 25 years as of May 5, 2009. Candidates having higher than a bachelor's degree need not apply for this position.

All candidates are expected to be proficient in written/spoken English and Nepali and be computer literate with a working knowledge of office applications. All candidates are expected to have smart personality, be of pleasant and cheerful nature with excellent interpersonal skills, desire to excel and a positive attitude. Selected candidates shall be assigned in any branch of the Bank in anywhere in Nepal.

Only shortlisted candidates will be called for further selection process(es). Real Solutions P. Ltd. (selection partner) and The Bank reserve the right to reject any/all applications without assigning any reason whatsoever. Canvassing at any stage of the process shall lead to automatic disqualification.

To Apply

Log on to and click 'Apply Online' icon below the respective job or send Application Letter and updated Resume by email to

The deadline for applications is 17:00 hrs, May 5, 2009.


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Suvarna Awsar




Post :- project co-ordinator

Qualification :- bachelor in any field

Organisation: Ecological protection forum, German NGO

No: 1

Workplace :- Dhading

Salary :- 10,000 nrs per month

Apply as soon as possible

Contact me at

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sale sale sale



Anyone interested in buying second hand 3230 mobile at

Rs. 3000 in good condition Including 512 memory, data cable and earphone.

Contact me at 9841 33941,,

Note: -offer applicable upto 3 days of this blog only.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

NCASA 4th and 5th AGM

April four, 2009, Place :- Nepal Bar Association


Nepal chartered accountant students' association held its four and fifth general meeting.

Chief guest :- Tanka Prasad Paneru (President of ICAN), Shanker kharel (founder president), Pakriti Tuladhar (founder member) and immediate past president Binod poudel were present.

Number of students attended :- 150 approx..


New president elected : Saurabh Rijal (CA Finals)

Congratulations and best of luck for future..


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

NCASA meeting at Babarmahal


18th march 2008, NCASA held meeting at babarmahal , discussion about some of major agenda like recognition of NCASA by Institute of chartered accountants of Nepal. And student council members and president, vice president are nominated from active members.


AGM of NCASA was decided to be held on April 4, 2009.

Invitation to all chartered accountants students of Nepal.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Banking Audit- Knowledge to be updated (NRB circulars)

Extracts of Important Circulars Issued By Nepal Rastra Bank :

1. Promoter share holders are permitted to invest in right share of

the institution in advance provided the stipulated conditions

regarding general meeting, uses of fund and proper accounting

has been followed.

2. The Conditions to be fulfilled by the banks/financial institutions

for merger and acquisition or up gradation of the institution has

been issued by NRB in addition to the existing requirements. It

focuses on requirement of duly filled form, capital adequacy

requirements, financial performance of last five years, non

performing assets and other requirements as mentioned.

3. All types of Shares, other than initial public offer, issued to foreign

or indigenous promoter, promoter group and private placement

are considered to be the promoter/promoter group shares for

the purpose of regulatory application of Nepal Rastra Bank.

4. NRB has also implemented Basel II by making it as friendly as

possible in context of Nepal. Due to this the provisions regarding

capital adequacy and risk weighted assets has been amended

making the core capital ratio rise to 6% and total capital ratio to

be maintained at minimum of 10%. The risk has been assigned

from 0% to 150% and reporting requirements has been made

compulsory on monthly basis as compared to previous

requirement of quarterly reporting


Compiled by "Pasang C.Lama" Ca Finals

Contact no :- 9841 33 99 41

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Opening lock on ICAN’s Office

March 9, 2009 Monday, students of Nepal chartered accountant protested against the illegitimate demand of registered auditor's for demanding COP of fist class category. Students of chartered accountants protested heavily against this and compelled the registered auditors to open the lock on ICAN's door which they have locked for more than 2 days to get their demands accepted. All students stood heavily against it and shouted slogans like.

"Exam de, CA Ban"

"Talabandi Gardai ma,

CA bannu paudena"

"Bidhyarthi Ekta Zindabad."


Students from foundation level to final level came to show their unity towards the same cause.


However some of the final level students who did not cared to show their support, besides getting information are following.

  1. Silpy Kedia
  2. Madika Maharjan
  3. Mandipa Dahal
  4. Bijay shwor Poudel
  5. Bandana Thakur


Hope someday they will learn to believe in themselves and start to fight for their rights.




Pasang Chunda Lama

CA finals