Monday, September 20, 2010

Is internal audit useless in Nepal


Internal audit is not new in Nepal. But its time that internal audit should be either enriched or made productive or either scrapped. Internal audit in Nepal is mostly done by banks and financial institutions. And in most of cases internal audit is so undermined that it is done side by side with statutory audit. Actually if we go and ask any CEO the importance of internal audit, few will say something. But whatever they say in heart they must be confused themselves and think what does it actually do?..


Well let me tell you the answer it just an expenditure of bank or financial institutions which get him some points on compliance of Nepal Rastra Bank. There is no case till now that on the basis of internal audit report, Company's cost is reduced or some effective control is achieved. Almost most of control mechanism is brought in by experienced bankers or by imitating each other either by understanding or not.


So its time in Nepal too to create some concrete standard for internal auditing like other countries. Common we can't always look at indian institute and imitate them. Everyone has brain, so do we.

Otherwise soon there will be a day when internal auditor will be considered a shameless person who does only a repetitive crap thing which disturbs employee and irritate the managers.



Pasang Lama






Tuesday, September 14, 2010

NRB Circulars 2066/67

Dear blog readers

I have here uploaded the NRB circulDear blog readers

I have here uploaded the NRB circulars 2066/67 complete updated in English.ars 2066/67 complete updated in English.

Circular 66-67 English

You can also download it from here.

Have happy time auditing.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Concentrate concentration tips

 You will need to find a place where you can be alone and undisturbed

2. You can sit crossed legged on the floor if you can or in a chair, as long as you're comfortable

3. You must sit with your spine erect so you won't have any problems later on

4. Take a few deep breaths to relax your body

 In your mind go through each muscle group and relax them, to do this you simply think about each muscle group from your neck to your feet and just feel them getting relaxed and getting heavy and comfortable. "My chest is relaxing and getting heavy and calm" is something you could use as an inner direction to your mind while you relax.

6. It is advisable to
practice each exercise daily for more than one week


The Exercises

These concentration exercises will help you gain all that was listed above. So make sure you read them carefully then carry them out. I know you will very surprised by your concentration ability once you've started making your way through these exercises.

Exercise 1


Exercise 2


Exercise 3


Exercise 4


Exercise 5


Exercise 6


Exercise 7


Exercise 8


Exercise 9


Exercise 10


Exercise 11


Secret for success is constant practise, more time you dedicate to the exercises the faster it will come. Reading this article on how to concentrate on studies, how to develop concentration and how to determine concentration will have opened your mind more to possiblities and I hope it helps you greatly. Good luck

Pasang Lama (CA Finals)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Final Exams

As December exams are near, I have too started to worry about my exams.

I want to know best books which are easy to understand and cover all practical concepts

For CA final

MAFA, Advance accounts, and Cost Accounts.

Please add your comment regarding the books which I should refer.

Friday, September 3, 2010

ICAN results how fair??


How fair do you think ICAN results, if someone has interesting facts please send me in my email id We have some controversial results.

Lets to audit for our own and submit the results with related council member who are responsible for governance                            


How fair do you think ICAN results, if someone has interesting facts please send me in my email id We have some controversial results.

Lets to audit for our own and submit the results with related council member who are responsible for governance…