Extracts of Important Circulars Issued By Nepal Rastra Bank :
1. Promoter share holders are permitted to invest in right share of
the institution in advance provided the stipulated conditions
regarding general meeting, uses of fund and proper accounting
has been followed.
2. The Conditions to be fulfilled by the banks/financial institutions
for merger and acquisition or up gradation of the institution has
been issued by NRB in addition to the existing requirements. It
focuses on requirement of duly filled form, capital adequacy
requirements, financial performance of last five years, non
performing assets and other requirements as mentioned.
3. All types of Shares, other than initial public offer, issued to foreign
or indigenous promoter, promoter group and private placement
are considered to be the promoter/promoter group shares for
the purpose of regulatory application of Nepal Rastra Bank.
4. NRB has also implemented Basel II by making it as friendly as
possible in context of Nepal. Due to this the provisions regarding
capital adequacy and risk weighted assets has been amended
making the core capital ratio rise to 6% and total capital ratio to
be maintained at minimum of 10%. The risk has been assigned
from 0% to 150% and reporting requirements has been made
compulsory on monthly basis as compared to previous
requirement of quarterly reporting
Compiled by "Pasang C.Lama" Ca Finals
Contact no :- 9841 33 99 41